A simple calculator with Bison and Flex.
Since writing a compiler is difficult, we need to structure the work. The standard way to do this is to split the compilation into multiple steps with well-defined expectations. Conceptually, these phases operate in series (although in practice they often alternate), each phase (except the first) takes the output of the previous phase as input. Usually, each stage is handled by a separate module ...
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Industrial Network Protocols. OPC UA. Part 2.
The OPC UA standard specifies the methods for exchanging messages between the OPC server and the client, regardless of the hardware and software platform, the type of interacting systems, and networks. ОРС UA provides reliable and secure communication, counteracts hacker attacks, and guarantees the identity of client and server information. The new standard uses the concept of an object, which is understood as a ...
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Industrial Network Protocols. OPC UA. Part 7.
locka99/opcua Description of the locka99/opcua project starts from the description of OPC UA. OPC UA is the industry standard for data monitoring. It's used extensively for embedded devices, industrial control, IoT, etc. - just about anything that has data that something else wants to monitor, control, or visualize. The development team implemented this project in the Rust language. I really like the Rust language ...
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Industrial Network Protocols. OPC UA. Part 1.
Theoretical part Open Platform Communications (OPC) is a series of standards and specifications for industrial telecommunications and industrial networks. An industrial automation task force developed the original standard in 1996 under the name OLE for Process Control (Object Linking and Embedding for process control). OPC specifies the communication of real-time plant data between control devices from different manufacturers.OPC was designed to provide a common ...
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Rust embedded. Stopwatch.
Rust embedded. Stopwatch.Rust embedded. Spi and embedded-graphics (in Russian).Rust embedded. Gpio. (in Russian)Rust embedded. Sequel. (in Russian)Rust embedded. (in Russian)Hello everyone. This is my new article about Rust for embedded systems. I decided to start writing articles in English to attract a large audience (I apologize to the Russian audience). This article is about creating a stopwatch using Rust and the embedded-graphics library. Today ...
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Rust embedded. Spi и embedded-graphics.
Друзья, привет! Продолжаем тему Rust для embedded. Это уже 4 статья по теме rust embedded, для ознакомления с предыдущими статьями, вот список: Rust embedded. Stopwatch. Rust embedded. Spi и embedded-graphics. Rust embedded. Gpio. Rust embedded. Сиквел. Rust embedded. Сегодня у нас в статье GPIO, SPI, графический экран SSD1306 и крейт "embedded-graphics". Задача примера по нажатию на пользовательскую кнопку на отладочной плате вращать изображение на ...
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